Human Trafficking

Here’s alittle background to this post:

My mother works in immigration and attends various confrences every year to learn more about her specific business. One of the confrences she attends is the annual NAFSA confrence. NAFSA in the national association of international educators. Almost every year I attend the confrence with her. It is an absoulutely amazing experience. One of the cool things that they do is a book club. One year the group was reading the book Disposable People: New Slavery in a Global Economy by Kevin Bales. The presentation was given by the author, (I’m pretty sure about this, it was a LONG time ago so my memory is a little fuzy) but his speaking on this issue inspired me more than almost anything I’ve ever heard. Since this conference, I have tried my hardest to spread the word about this issue. I organized a group at my old college, Agness Scott, called Peaceful Solutions to Conflict- for the first year we focused on spreading the word to the campus about Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. At Georgia Perimeter, I have given speeches in class about the issue.

I have a speech coming up in my Political Science class on monday and I am going to be speaking on this topic again. I’ve told my mother about my plans, and yesterday when we met for lunch at our spot- MOES- (yum!) she told me about an organization in atlanta that works with girls who are victims of forced sexual slavery. I searched for it online and found out about possible volunteer work I can do for the organization.

The organization is called Wellspring Living. I am pretty excited about applying to volunteer for the organization. I feel like this is an issue that calls to my heart, something that I believe is a horrible wrong, and if there’s anything that I can do to help I believe that I should.

As I was searching for Wellspring Living I found the Polaris Project. I found out about hosting a fundraising party to raise money to help victims of human trafficking.

I thought- “What better to do for my 23rd birthday than raise money for something that I care about- instead of just getting money from people?” I still have to talk to my mom about it- because I know she doesn’t like little fundraising parties, but I feel like if I can celebrate my birthday by helping others- I should do it.

Host A Fundraiser | Polaris Project | Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery.